Understanding how to tell what the ABV is how it affects taste.
To tell how much alcohol your bre will be you will need either a hydrometer or refractometer. Iām going to show you how to use a hydrometer instead of a refractometer because its more accurate and easier to use.
First thing to consider when brewing a beer, wine, mead, or any other alcoholic beverage is how sweet and how strong you want it. If you want it strong you will need more sugar in primary fermentation then in secondary.
A good rule of thumb when starting a brew is
2.5LBs of honey to 1 gallon will equal
OG 1.090 - 1.100 or 10%-11%ABV.
Merlot grape juice concentrate will equals
OG 1.060-1.090 OR 7%-10%
These numbers may very in your brew for multiple factors out of your control.
To calculate what the abv of your brew it take the Og with you hydrometer before fermentation then when fermentation is done take the fg. When your done with that you can either use this website
or you can use this formula:
Standard ABV Formula:
ABV = (OG ā FG) * 131.25
Alternate ABV Formula:
ABV = (76.08 * (OG - FG) / (1.775 - OG)) * (FG / 0.
ABV = (76.08 * (OG - FG) / (1.775 - OG)) * (FG / 0.794)